As a full-service provider of plastic card identification solutions, we support you in the complete implementation of your card project. We know from experience what it takes to make your project a success and are happy to help you with it!
In addition to card printers for plastic cards, our product portfolio also includes the production of high-quality plastic cards for a wide range of applications.
Don’t feel like making cards yourself? Don’t worry, we will produce them for you! All we need is the card layout, we’ll do the rest ourselves. Cards with variable data such as name, first name, number, photo, etc.. ? No problem!
Also in the field of plastic cards with the most diverse chip technologies, we support you in the realisation of your desired RFID solution with a variety of high-quality readers and we are happy to assist you with the necessary “programming know-how”. Think about access control, payment cards, etc.
Any questions?
Your advisor Vanessa van der Kelen will be happy to help you!
Vanessa has years of experience in making identification solutions and card projects successful and is happy to answer any questions you may have.
Want to call? +32 479601825
Or feel free to send us your question on our contact page or to !